Applet Collection

The samples need the applets in the same path as the document.


The applet shows a text moving from right to left. It needs only one file, so it's fast to transmit.


Name	Type	Description
Name	Type	Description
msg		String		Message to display
href		String		optional url to switch to
file		String		optional url of a file/script containing msg and href
bgimg		String		optional url of a background image
speed		int		optional animation speed in pixels/100msec.
				Default: 10
txtco		int[3] or int	optional RGB-Color of the message.
				Default: black/blue (depending on href)
bgco		int[3] or int	optional RGB-Color of background.
				Default: light gray
shco		int[3] or int	optional RGB-Color of text shadow.
				Default: no shadow
font		String		optional font for message.
				Possible: Courier, Dialog, Helvetica, Symbol, TimesRoman.
				Default: TimesRoman
type		String		optional modifier for font.
				Possible: bold, italic, bolditalic.
				Default: plain with shadow, bold without
frame		String		optional name of the frame to display the next document, see below
hrefco		int[3] or int	optional RGB-Color of border if href is given.
				Default: blue
start		int[3]		optional Date to start: Y, M, D; if not set, show
exp		int[3]		optional Date to expire: Y, M, D; if not set, no expiration
exfill		none		optional: If exist, fill with bgco, if expired
If this color is not the same as 'bgco' the applet looks like a animated button. If you don't like this, just set the two colors to the same value.
If your document is framed, you can use this parameter to set the target frame. Some words have special meanings:
  • _self: show in the current frame
  • _parent: show in the parent frame
  • _top: show in the top frame
  • _blank: show in a new window
Any other name will show the new document in the named frame, which will be created if necessary.


The following tag
<applet code="ticker.class" width=500 height=40>
<param name=msg value="&lt; &lt; back to the author &lt; &lt;">
<param name=speed value="5">
<param name=txtco value="ffffff">
<param name=bgco value="9c0063">
<param name=shco value="404040">
<param name=href value="">
<param name=hrefco value="0000ff">

The minimum is the following tag:

<applet code="ticker.class" width=250 height=30>
<param name=msg value="Easy, huhh">


The applet plays images in the formats gif or jpeg. You can choose the order as well as the speed of the animation. The images are collected as subimages to a bigger one, the orientation can be horizontal or vertical. Therefore you need to transmit only two files, causing less load on server, client and net. In contrast to e.g. animator the applet doesn't deal with audio and all images mut be of the same size. Such behaviour is most times not needed and the advantage of transmission speed dominates.
What you can do with it depends on the images you can create, il only shows it. If you click your mouse if its pointer is located on one of the images, the animation will stop and start again with the next click.


Name		Type		Description
img		String		url of the image
nimgs		int		number of subimages
speed		int		animation speed in images/sec, default 50
delay		int		optional delay between images in msec, overwrites speed
bgco		int[3] or int	optional RGB-Color of background during image loading, either R,G,B decimal or RRGGBB hex
startup		String		optional url of a startup image to be shown before the larger image is ready
imgdir		String		optional: if starts with 'c' search images relative to il.class else or as default search relative to the document
direction	String		optional: if starts with 'h' assume subimages are side by side else  or as default one upon another
images		String		optional order of the subimages, looks like 1|2|3|4|3|2
pauses		String		optional delays between images, looks like 1000|500|||750. Empty items take delay as default


Rotating things look nice, like 3 cogwheels
<applet code=il.class width=128 height=128>
<param name=img value=uc3.gif>
<param name=nimgs value=4>
<param name=speed value=10>

Who's right, your eyes or your brain?


The Applet shows a message in the foreground and sliding triangles in the background. Speed and Saturation of the colors may go down with time. Later it will completely disappear, so you do not need to remember where you have put all the whats-new-bang.gifs. It is highly configurable in the HTML-Document.


Name		Typ		Beschreibung
msg		String		Message to display
speed		int		optional animation speed in pixels/sec. Default: 100
txtco		int[3]		optional RGB-Color of the message, R,G,B decimal. Default: blue
bgco		int[3]		optional RGB-Color of the background, R,G,B decimal. Default: yellow
expco		int[3]		optional RGB-Color after expiration, R,G,B decimal. Default: gray
creat		int[3]		optional date of creation, year, month, day
exp		int[3]		optional date of expiration, year, month, day


The following tags
<applet code="pointer.class" width=100 height=50>
<param name=msg value="New!">
<param name=msgh value="28">

<applet code="pointer.class" width=100 height=50>
<param name=bgco value="255,255,0">
<param name=msgh value="28">
<param name=msg value="Old">
<param name=speed value="100">
<param name=txtco value="0,0,255">
<param name=creat value="95,1,1">
<param name=exp value="97,12,31">



This applet calls a simple script, which increments and outputs one of some counters located at the server. So you save the servers ressources and as well transmission capacity, because only small amounts of data must be transferred. Script, counter, colors, size and framing Text are easy and free configurable.


Name		Typ		Beschreibung
script		String		Script used to get the Count, must exist
msg		String		Text around the Count
msgh		int		optional Fontsize of Message (default 12 which matches with height=16*columns)
fgco		int[3]		optional foreground color, default Black
bgco		int[3]		optional background color, default gray
start		int[3]		optional starting date of counting, default 1/1/1900

Sustitutions in msg:
| : linebreak

&* : 
with * is one of
 t = total Count
 y = Count/year
 m = Count/month
 w = Count/week
 d = Count/day
 h = Count/hour
 i = Count/minute


<applet code="counter.class" width=300 height=32 align=top>
<param name="msgh" value="12">
<param name="script" value="counter">
<param name="msg" value="You are visitor Nr. &t, who looks at this page.|This page has &w visitors per week.">
<param name= "start" value="95,12,31">
<param name="fgco" value="156,0,99">
<param name="bgco" value="255,255,255">

You'll see only a static value, because there are only files in this collection. A simple script for usage on a www server would be:

if `test ! -f $FILE` ; then echo "Counter does not exist"; exit; fi
NUM2=`expr $NUMBER + 1`
echo $NUM2$NONL > $FILE
echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
echo $NUM2


It is a small tool for animation of HTML-pages. After pressing the Start button a red window comes up on the top right corner of the screen. It should look like a CD-player, showing the next URL to switch to, the seconds left before switching occurs and four buttons.
After starting it reads a file containing the URL's of the documents to show and the seconds to stay on this documents. If a countdown has finished, it lets the browser show the next document in a named (second) frame.

Once running, the buttons let you

  • go back to the previous page: <<
  • stop the animation and destroy the generated window: Stop
  • suspend and resume the animation: ||
  • switch to the next page quickly: >>


Name		Typ		Beschreibung
href		String		URL of the list.
bgco		int[3]		optional RGB-Color of the background, default: background of the document.
auto		-		optional: repeat forever, if exist
The list file ("href" parameter):
Per line the URL of the document to show, delimiter ";", time to show the document.


<applet code="flipper.class" width=80 height=40>
<param name="href" value="flipdata.txt">
<param name="bgco" value="255,255,255">
<param name="auto" value="1">

Press the start button:

Author: Thomas Wendt

original Archive with sources, images, demo

The included sources of ticker and il do not have the full functionality of the binary applets.