Class sbk.image.GifImageEncoder
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Class sbk.image.GifImageEncoder


public class GifImageEncoder
extends Object
GifImageEncoder is a class which saves an image to a stream using the GIF file format. However, it doesn't use the patented standard LZW algorithm for compression. Instead it uses run length compression (RLE) with an LZW like coding.

The object is constructed with either an Image (which must be fully loaded) or an array of int.
The next thing to do is creating the palette and the indexes into it with a call to indexColors.
Given an OutputStream the image can now be compressed by calling encodeTo.

Using the command line one may convert an image file readable for javaTM (GIF, JPEG or XBM) with 256 or less colors to a RLE compressed GIF file.
The syntax for doing this:
java sbk.image.GifImageEncoder infile outfile
(assuming java is in your search path)




17 Feb 1997
Enhanced coding => better compression ratio
9 Feb 1997
Initial Release

9 Feb 1997
Thomas Wendt @ SBK Software + Systeme GmbH

Constructor Index

o GifImageEncoder(Image)
Constructs the encoder using an image.
o GifImageEncoder(int[], int, int)
Constructs the encoder using an array of pixels (top-down, left-right order).

Method Index

o encodeTo(OutputStream)
Writes the image out to a stream in GIF87a format (non interlaced, no transparency).
o indexColors()
Converts the RGB-values to indexes into a palette.
o main(String[])
The method of the class which can be called from the command line.


o GifImageEncoder
  public GifImageEncoder(Image i) throws Exception
Constructs the encoder using an image.
i - The image to be encoded.
Throws: Exception
Will be thrown if the pixels can't be grabbed (possibly because of low memory).
o GifImageEncoder
  public GifImageEncoder(int p[],
                         int w,
                         int h)
Constructs the encoder using an array of pixels (top-down, left-right order).
p - The pixels to be encoded.
w - The width of the image.
h - The height of the image.


o indexColors
  public final void indexColors() throws Exception
Converts the RGB-values to indexes into a palette.
Throws: Exception
Will be thrown if there are more than 256 colors.
o encodeTo
  public final void encodeTo(OutputStream o) throws IOException
Writes the image out to a stream in GIF87a format (non interlaced, no transparency).
o - The stream to output to, eg. a FileOutputStream. Is buffered internally.
Throws: IOException
Might be thrown from write operations.
o main
  public final static void main(String args[])
The method of the class which can be called from the command line. Converts an image file readable for javaTM (gif, jpeg or xbm) with 256 or less colors to rle compressed gif.
args - The inputfile as first element and the outputfile as the second one.

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